Meet Ezra

Hello there, I'm Ezra Dewolfe, an entrepreneur with ADHD, who has learned to navigate the unique challenges and strengths that come with it. As a coach and mentor, my mission is to help fellow ADHD entrepreneurs channel their boundless creativity into real success.

My early days as an entrepreneur were marked by a flood of ideas, but a crippling inability to prioritize and act on them. Nights turned into days as I delved into business strategies, constantly planning and replanning, but feeling stuck in the same spot. The turning point came when I was diagnosed with ADHD. Suddenly, my past struggles and frustrations started to make sense.

The moment I understood I had ADHD was pivotal. I realized that the traditional paths to success, built for those without ADHD, were not my paths. I needed a unique approach, one that worked with my ADHD, not against it. With renewed focus, I earned a master's degree in business and became a Project Management Professional and a Certified Professional Marketer, not despite my ADHD but because of it. 

This turnaround in my own business inspired inspired the creation of the ADHD Entrepreneur Hub, a place designed to help other ADHD entrepreneurs like myself apply their creativity and transform their ideas into real-world results. Now, I am focused on helping others with ADHD carve out their own paths to success.